How to protect Yourself from QR Code scams
If you suspect a QR code might be fake, don’t scan it.
Read about barkoder’s latest news, updates and tutorials.
If you suspect a QR code might be fake, don’t scan it.
The countdown to GS1 Sunrise 2027 is well underway…
Market Outlook from 2024 to 2034
Estimates of American and global smartphone owners scanning QR codes for payments or other uses in 2019 and 2020, along with forecasts from 2020 to 2025.
Major improvements of the barKoder Web SDK achieved via 3 successive minor updates
Testing the Passport, ID and Visa using four different barcode scanners.
Measuring the performance, scanning damaged, low-resolution and blurred barcode samples
Official release of barKoder SDK 1.5.2
Experience the convenience of self-scanning and self-checkout systems!
the barKoder Web SDK has been updated to include new UI settings and decoding methods
Placeholder is happy to announce that the long-awaited support for Python library
barKoder Barcode Scanner SDK Angular
Starter barcode scanning app example with VueJS