About barKoder Barcode Scanner SDK
Learn more about Placeholder EOOD
Placeholder is a start-up incorporated in Sofia, on the slopes of mount Vitosha, by a team of like-minded individuals from different backgrounds who decided to create a unique product with state-of-the-art barcode localization algorithm to enhance all kinds of mobile apps, be that Enterprise or Consumer in nature, with a unique mobile barcode scanning engine.
The idea presented itself by our own experience in the pharmaceutical, banking and IT industries while working on various projects where the need for a precise and high-performing barcode scanner API was at the core of the requirements, while the available options were either grossly overpriced or underperforming by a substantial margin. And that is how, in short, the barKoder Barcode Scanner SDK came to be. Slowly but surely, the barKoder barcode capture SDK now boasts support for decoding over 30 barcode types on over 5 development platforms, with several state of the art algorithms such as the Batch MultiScan, the DPM mode, Segment Decoding, the robust PDF417 recognition engine, the severely blutted EAN & UPC scanning mode and more.

Empower your enterprise mobile app(s) to scan
Vehicle Identification Numbers and Driver’s
Licenses in order to streamline the sales
process, enhance your CRM or to enable your
customers to easily apply for auto insurance.

The Barkoder SDK will enable your Retail Banking
apps to be equipped with a barcode scanning
engine that will grant your customers an option
to seamlessly scan and pay utility bills or to
verify their identification documents for
authentication purposes, as well as to easily
apply for loans without having to be present in
the bank itself for extended periods of time.

Our scanning algorithm can empower Shop'N'Go
apps for your consumers by streamlining the
self-checkout process or grant them a chance to
know more about the product(s) they are buying,
all with a simple barcode scan. Same goes for
Point Of Sale or Order and Inventory
management on the Enterprise side for all
eCommerce solutions.

Product traceability, authentication, identity
verification are only a part of the processes that
you can enable within your apps by integrating
the Barkoder SDK. If your into transparency or
streamlining the administration process, you’ve
come to the right place.

The Manufacturing process is truly complicated.
Ever felt that you need that one extra feature
which will streamline the entire process, from
warehouse through assembly lines and
packaging to shipping?
You might have finally found the ideal tool to
store, manage and track everything from raw
materials to finished products that have just
been sent to their end destinations. And you can
add customer engagement on top of that by
granting the consumers of your products an easy
way to access the product info and contact your
support teams.

Barcodes are a powerful tool. Integrating them in
the workflows of your medical care facilities,
manufacturing processes and pharmacies can
significantly increase the productivity of your
personnel, leading to a reduced cost across the
board. You can empower your documentation to
provide a quick access to all health care
professionals to crucial information such as
therapy details and intake, illness and general
histories of patients and so much more, bringing
new levels of awareness and ability for quick
reactions by having less downtime. And in this
Covid ridden times, your security can quickly and
easily verify visitor authenticity and/or
vaccination certificates.