
A new feature has been added to the barKoder Web App v1.0.3

barKoder Barcode Scanner Web SDK 1.0.3 (WASM)


Fantastic news! We are thrilled to announce that the latest update to our barKoder Web 1.0.3 product comes with exciting new features that make it even more exceptional as a web app. With these enhancements, users can enjoy improved functionality and versatility, which opens up a world of possibilities for seamless scanning experiences.


Here are the exciting new features that make this web app even more exceptional. You won't want to miss out on this incredible upgrade that will take your experience to the next level!

  • Added new camera preview configuration methods:  
  1. setFlashEnabled - Enable or disable flash button on camera preview. Default is enabled.
  2. setZoomEnabled - Enable or disable zoom button on camera preview. Default is enabled.
  3. setCloseEnabled - Enable or disable close button on camera preview. Default is enabled.
  4. setCameraPickerEnabled - Enable or disable cameraPicker button on camera preview. Default is enabled. 

(Previously these buttons and their associated functionalities were present on the camera preview; now they can be hidden if desired)



  • Added new camera preview functionalities methods:
  1. changeFlashState - Change i.e. toggle the current flash state.
  2. changeZoomState - Change i.e. cycle through the current zoom state.

(Previously these functionalities were available only via flash and zoom buttons on camera preview; now they can be invoked as API methods)



  • New camera preview scanning flow configuration method:
  1. setContinuous - Enable or disable continuous scanning. Default is disabled.

([functionality existed] configuration method was missing)



  • Added new scanner/decoder configuration methods:
  1. setCode11ChecksumType - Set checksum type for Code 11.
  2. setCode39hecksumType - Set checksum type for Code 39.
  3. setMsiChecksumType - Set checksum type for MSI.
  4. setDatamatrixDpmModeEnabled - Enable or disable Datamatrix dpm mode.

(previously these functionalities were available via applyTemplate; now they can be called as individual settings methods)



  • Added new constants [for the above methods]:
Code11ChecksumType - Code 11 checksum types.


Code39ChecksumType - Code 39 checksum types.


MsiChecksumType - MSI checksum types.


The new version of our SDK can be obtained by registering on the barKoder Developer Portal and visiting our Repository or by utilizing the package found on barKoder's npm JS page. Each registered account can utilize the self-service for generating a completely free trial license for an initial duration of 30 days that will grant you a full run to evaluate the capabilities of our web barcode scanner SDK for up to 25 devices. If your project has somewhat different requirements, we'll be happy to hear from you.

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