Enable Multiscan for Python 3.11

What is Batch MultiScan#

Batch Multiscan is a feature of the barKoder Barcode Scanner SDK that enables batch scanning of multiple barcodes without interrupting the scanning process. It allows users to decode various types and sizes of barcodes in a single session, greatly enhancing efficiency for bulk scanning tasks.  

This feature is available for Python 3.11 and can be enabled within applications that employ the Python Build.

How to enable it?#

The configuration code sets up the barKoderSDK to scan multiple types of barcodes with specific parameters. It enables the decoders for QR, PDF417, Code128, Datamatrix, Code93, and Code39 barcodes, allows scanning up to 10 barcodes in one go (enabling multi-code scanning), sets the decoding speed to "Slow" for more accuracy, and defines the scanning area to cover the entire frame. This configuration optimizes the SDK for thorough and precise barcode scanning across a variety of barcode formats.

                #---------------configure the SDK--------------
QR = BarkoderSDK.constants["Decoders"]["QR"];
PDF417 = BarkoderSDK.constants["Decoders"]["PDF417"];
Code128 = BarkoderSDK.constants["Decoders"]["Code128"];
Datamatrix = BarkoderSDK.constants["Decoders"]["Datamatrix"];
Code93 = BarkoderSDK.constants["Decoders"]["Code93"];
Code39 = BarkoderSDK.constants["Decoders"]["Code39"];

#set desired decoders
decoders = [QR, PDF417, Code128, Datamatrix, Code93, Code39];
total_decoders = len(decoders);
BarkoderSDK.setEnabledDecoders(decoders, total_decoders);

#set multicode limit (value higher than 1 enables multicode)

#set desired decodingSpeed
decodingSpeed = BarkoderSDK.constants["DecodingSpeed"]["Slow"];

#set desired ROI
BarkoderSDK.setRegionOfInterest(0, 0, 100, 100);

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