API reference for barKoder's Android Barcode Reader SDK

BarkoderView #

The BarkoderView class is part of barKoder's Android Barcode Reader SDK. It provides a variety of methods to control the barcode scanning process. These methods include setting a preview frames callback, manipulating the zoom factor, checking the availability and status of the device's flash, and starting, stopping, or pausing the scanning process. It also allows to set a maximum zoom factor and check whether the device's built-in flash can be used for illumination during barcode scanning. This class provides a granular control over the scanning process, allowing for a highly customizable barcode scanning experience.

setPreviewFramesCallback #

Set the camera frames callback if you only want to receive frames/images without decoding them, allowing you to work with the frames directly. Remember to close the image when finished.

@param previewFramesCallback

                fun setPreviewFramesCallback(previewFramesCallback: BarkoderPreviewFramesCallback)


getMaxZoomFactor #

Retrieves the maximum available zoom factor for the device's camera

Zoom factor is received in MaxZoomAvailableCallback

@param callback MaxZoomAvailableCallback

                fun getMaxZoomFactor(callback: MaxZoomAvailableCallback)


setZoomFactor #

Sets the zoom factor for the device's camera, adjusting the level of zoom during barcode scanning

@param zoomFactor[1,maxZoomFactor].

Default value is 1

                fun setZoomFactor(zoomFactor: Int)


isFlashAvailable #

Checks whether the device has a built-in flash (torch) that can be used for illumination during barcode scanning

Result is received in FlashAvailableCallback.

@param callback

                fun isFlashAvailable(callback: FlashAvailableCallback)


setFlashEnabled #

Enables or disables the device's flash (torch) for illumination during barcode scanning

@param enabled [true, false].

Default value is false.

                fun setFlashEnabled(enabled: Boolean)


stopCamera #

Halts the barcode scanning process, stopping the camera from capturing and processing barcode information

                fun stopCamera()


startScanning #

Initiates the barcode scanning process, allowing the application to detect and decode barcodes from the device's camera feed

@param resultCallback

@throw NullPointerException if BarkoderView config is not set

                fun startScanning(resultCallback: BarkoderResultCallback)


stopScanning #

Halts the barcode scanning process, stopping the camera from capturing and processing barcode information

                fun stopScanning()


pauseScanning #

Temporarily suspends the barcode scanning process, pausing the camera feed without completely stopping the scanning session

                fun pauseScanning()


BarkoderConfig #

The BarkoderConfig class is a configuration class for the Barkoder barcode scanning library. It includes methods to set and get various properties like line color and width, region of interest, thread limit, and other characteristics. It provides a highly customizable way for developers to configure their barcode scanning experience, allowing for a wide range of scanning scenarios to be supported.

getDecoderConfig #

Obtain the decoder config object. This object allows you to enable or disable decoders (barcode types) and configure each one individually.

                fun getDecoderConfig(): Barkoder.Config


getLocationLineColor #

Retrieves the color code representing the line color used to indicate the location of detected barcodes

@return locationLineColor

                fun getLocationLineColor(): Int


setLocationLineColor #

Sets the color of the lines used to indicate the location of detected barcodes on the camera feed

@param locationLineColor [valid color representation as integer].

Default value is Color.GREEN

                fun setLocationLineColor(locationLineColor: Int)


getLocationLineWidth #

Retrieves the current width setting for the lines indicating the location of detected barcodes on the camera feed

 @return float locationLineWidth

                fun getLocationLineWidth(): Float


setLocationLineWidth #

Sets the width of the lines indicating the location of detected barcodes on the camera feed

@param float locationLineWidth.

Default value is 4.0

                fun setLocationLineWidth(locationLineWidth: Float)


getRoiLineColor #

Retrieves the color code representing the line color of the Region of Interest (ROI) on the camera preview

@return int roiLineColor

                fun getRoiLineColor(): Int


setRoiLineColor #

Sets the color of the lines outlining the Region of Interest (ROI) for barcode scanning on the camera feed

@param roiLineColor [valid color representation as integer].

Default value is Color.RED

                fun setRoiLineColor(roiLineColor: Int)


getRoiLineWidth #

Retrieves the current width setting for the lines outlining the Region of Interest (ROI) on the camera preview

@return float roiLineWidth

                fun getRoiLineWidth(): Float


setRoiLineWidth #

Sets the width of the lines outlining the Region of Interest (ROI) for barcode scanning on the camera feed.

@param roiLineWidth

Default value is 3.0

                fun setRoiLineWidth(roiLineWidth: Float)


getRoiOverlayBackgroundColor #

Retrieves the int color code representing the background color of the overlay within the Region of Interest (ROI) on the camera preview

@return int roiOverlayBackgroundColor

                fun getRoiOverlayBackgroundColor(): Int


setRoiOverlayBackgroundColor #

Sets the background color of the overlay within the Region of Interest (ROI) for barcode scanning on the camera feed

@param int roiOverlayBackgroundColor [valid color representation as integer].

Default value is 40% transparency

                fun setRoiOverlayBackgroundColor(roiOverlayBackgroundColor: Int)


isCloseSessionOnResultEnabled #

Checks if the session is closed on result enabled

@return Boolean [true,false] ; true if preview will be closed after result, false otherwise

                fun isCloseSessionOnResultEnabled(): Boolean


setCloseSessionOnResultEnabled #

Enables or disables the automatic closing of the scanning session upon detecting a barcode result

@param Boolean closeSessionOnResultEnabled [false, true]Default is true

                fun setCloseSessionOnResultEnabled(closeSessionOnResultEnabled: Boolean)


isImageResultEnabled #

Check if the image result is enabled.

@return Boolean [true, false];

true if enabled or false if not enabled Image result is received in BarkoderResultCallback as Bitmap

                fun isImageResultEnabled(): Boolean


setImageResultEnabled #

Enables or disables the capturing and processing of image data when a barcode is successfully detected.

@param Boolean imageResultEnabled [false, true].

Default is false

                fun setImageResultEnabled(imageResultEnabled: Boolean)


isLocationInImageResultEnabled #

Check if barcode location in the image result is enabled.

If enabled, the barcode in the result image will be marked

@return Boolean [true,false]; true if enabled or false if it’s not enabled

                fun isLocationInImageResultEnabled()


setLocationInImageResultEnabled #

Enables or disables the inclusion of barcode location information within the image data result

@param Boolean locationInImageResultEnabled [false, true]. Default is false

                fun setLocationInImageResultEnabled(locationInImageResultEnabled: Boolean)


getRegionOfInterest #

Retrieves the region of interest (ROI)

@return Barkoder.BKRect object

                fun getRegionOfInterest(): Barkoder.BKRect


setRegionOfInterest #

Defines the Region of Interest (ROI) on the camera preview for barcode scanning, specifying an area where the application focuses on detecting barcodes

@param Float left. Default 3%

@param Float top. Default 20%

@param Float width. Default 94%

@param Float height. Default 60%

@throw IllegalArgumentException if input params are not valid

                fun setRegionOfInterest(left: Float, top: Float, width: Float, height: Float)


getThreadsLimit #

Retrieves the threads limit

@return threads number as integer

                fun GetThreadsLimit(): Int


SetThreadsLimit #

Sets the threads limit

@param int threadsLimit [1, max threads available]

@throw IllegalArgumentException if input param is greater than maximum threads available on the device

                fun SetThreadsLimit(threadsLimit: Int)


isLocationInPreviewEnabled #

Get the value of locationInPreviewEnabled which enables or disabled the display of barcode location information on the camera preview

If enabled, the scanned barcode will be marked on the preview screen for a short time

@return Boolean [true,false]; true if enabled or false if it’s not enabled

                fun isLocationInPreviewEnabled(): Boolean


setLocationInPreviewEnabled #

Enables or disables the display of barcode location information on the camera preview

@param Boolean locationInPreviewEnabled [true, false].

Default is true

                fun setLocationInPreviewEnabled(locationInPreviewEnabled: Boolean)


isPinchToZoomEnabled #

Checks if pinch to zoom is enabled

@return Boolean [true,false; ] true if enabled or false if it’s not enabled

                fun isPinchToZoomEnabled(): Boolean


setPinchToZoomEnabled #

Enables or disables the pinch-to-zoom feature for adjusting the zoom level during barcode scanning

 @param Boolean pinchToZoomEnabled [true, false]. Default is false

                fun setPinchToZoomEnabled(pinchToZoomEnabled: Boolean)


isRegionOfInterestVisible #

Checks if the region of interest (ROI) is visible

@return Boolean [true,false]; true if visible or false otherwise

                fun isRegionOfInterestVisible(): Boolean


setRegionOfInterestVisible #

Sets the visibility of the Region of Interest (ROI) on the camera preview

 @param Boolean regionOfInterestVisible [true, false].

Default is true

                fun setRegionOfInterestVisible(regionOfInterestVisible: Boolean)


getBarkoderResolution #

Retrieves the resolution for barcode scanning

@return BarkoderResolution object

NORMAL("HD", 1280, 720),

HIGH("Full HD", 1920, 1080);

                fun getBarkoderResolution(): BarkoderResolution


setBarkoderResolution #

Sets the resolution for barcode scanning

@param BarkoderResolution barkoderResolution

Default is BarkoderResolution.NORMAL

NORMAL("HD", 1280, 720),

HIGH("Full HD", 1920, 1080);

                fun setBarkoderResolution(barkoderResolution: BarkoderResolution)


isBeepOnSuccessEnabled #

Retrieves the value indicating whether a beep sound is played on successful barcode scanning

@return Boolean [true,false];  true if enabled or false if it’s not enabled

                fun isBeepOnSuccessEnabled(): Boolean


setBeepOnSuccessEnabled #

Enables or disables the audible beep sound upon successfully decoding a barcode

@param Boolean beepOnSuccess [true, false].

Default is true

                fun setBeepOnSuccessEnabled(beepOnSuccess: Boolean)


isVibrateOnSuccessEnabled #

Retrieves the value indicating whether vibration is enabled on successful barcode scanning

@return Boolean [true,false];

true if enabled or false if it’s not enabled

                fun isVibrateOnSuccessEnabled(): Boolean


setVibrateOnSuccessEnabled #

Enables or disables the device vibration upon successfully decoding a barcode.

@param Boolean enabled [true, false].

Default is true

                fun setVibrateOnSuccessEnabled(enabled: Boolean)


setThumbnailOnResultEnabled #

Sets whether to enable barcode thumbnail on result

@param Boolean enabled [true, false].

Default is true

                fun setThumbnailOnResultEnabled(enabled Boolean)


setTresholdBetweenDuplicatesScans #

Sets the threshold between duplicate scans

@param int thresholdBetweenDuplicatesScans.

Default value is 5

                fun setTresholdBetweenDuplicatesScans(thresholdBetweenDuplicatesScans Int)


getThresholdBetweenDuplicatesScans #

Retrieves the threshold between duplicate scans

return int thresholdBetweenDuplicatesScans

IsMulticodeCachingEnabled #

Retrieves whether multi-code caching is enabled

                public static boolean IsMulticodeCachingEnabled() {
    return Barkoder.GetGlobalOption(Barkoder.Config.GlobalOption_MulticodeCachingEnabled) == 1;


SetMulticodeCachingEnabled #

Sets whether multi-code caching is enabled

                public static void SetMulticodeCachingEnabled(boolean enabled) {
    Barkoder.SetGlobalOption(Barkoder.Config.GlobalOption_MulticodeCachingEnabled, enabled ? 1 : 0);


GetMulticodeCachingDuration #

Retrieves the caching duration (in milliseconds) for multi-code results

                public static int GetMulticodeCachingDuration() {
    return Barkoder.GetGlobalOption(Barkoder.Config.GlobalOption_MulticodeCachingDuration);


SetMulticodeCachingDuration #

Sets the caching duration (in milliseconds) for multi-code results

                public static void SetMulticodeCachingDuration(int durationInMS) {
    Barkoder.SetGlobalOption(Barkoder.Config.GlobalOption_MulticodeCachingDuration, durationInMS);


For a comprehensive understanding of our products and services, we invite you to visit our official website at https://barkoder.com. Our site contains a wealth of information and resources designed to help you better understand how our Barcode Reader SDK can add value to your Android applications.

If you're considering implementing our SDK and would like to understand the potential costs, you can easily request a quote at any time. Our team is always ready to assist you, providing you with detailed and tailored pricing information based on your specific needs. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you!

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