Installation guide for barKoder's Capacitor Barcode Scanner SDK plugin

This is a guide for the Capacitor plugin powered by the barKoder Barcode Scanner SDK.

Requirements #

Capacitor is a cross-platform app runtime that makes it easy to build web apps that run natively on iOS, Android and the web. To get started with building apps using Capacitor, you'll need to meet certain requirements:

Node.js and npm #

Ensure you have Node.js installed on your machine. Capacitor requires Node.js version 10 or later.npm (Node Package Manager) is also required. It usually comes with Node.js.

Text Editor or IDE #

Choose a text editor or an integrated development environment (IDE) for coding. Popular choices include Visual Studio Code, Atom, or any other editor of your preference.

Git #

Capacitor projects are often managed with Git, so having Git installed on your machine is recommended.

Command Line Interface (CLI) #

Capacitor commands are executed via the command line. Make sure you have a command line interface (CLI) installed and accessible on your system.

Mobile Development SDKs #

To build and run apps on specific platforms, you'll need the corresponding SDKs:

For iOS development: Xcode (available on macOS)

For Android development: Android Studio

Capacitor Project #

Here are the basic steps:

  1. Install Capacitor:
    npm install -g @capacitor/cli
  2. Add Platforms:
    npx cap add ios npx cap add android
  3. Open IDE and Start Coding: Open your chosen IDE or text editor and start building your app using web technologies.
  4. Open your chosen IDE or text editor and start building your app using web technologies.
  5. Build and Run: Use Capacitor commands to build and run your app on different platforms.
    npx cap open ios npx cap open android
  6. Use Capacitor commands to build and run your app on different platforms.

Install #

                npm install barkoder-capacitor
npx cap sync

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