React Native barKoder SDK API Reference
getBarcodeTypeLengthRange #
▸ getBarcodeTypeLengthRange(barcodeType): Promise<number[]>
Parameters: #
Name | Type |
barcodeType | BarcodeType |
getBarkoderResolution #
▸ getBarkoderResolution(): Promise<BarkoderResolution>
getCode11ChecksumType #
▸ getCode11ChecksumType(): Promise<Code11ChecksumType>
getCode39ChecksumType #
▸ getCode39ChecksumType(): Promise<Code39ChecksumType>
getDecodingSpeed #
▸ getDecodingSpeed(): Promise<DecodingSpeed>
getDuplicatesDelayMs #
▸ getDuplicatesDelayMs(): Promise<number>
getEncodingCharacterSet #
▸ getEncodingCharacterSet(): Promise<string>
getFormattingType #
▸ getFormattingType(): Promise<FormattingType>
getLocationLineColorHex #
▸ getLocationLineColorHex(): Promise<string>
getLocationLineWidth #
▸ getLocationLineWidth(): Promise<number>
getMaxZoomFactor #
▸ getMaxZoomFactor(): Promise<number>
getMaximumResultsCount #
▸ getMaximumResultsCount(): Promise<number>
getMsiChecksumType #
▸ getMsiChecksumType(): Promise<MsiChecksumType>
getMulticodeCachingDuration #
▸ getMulticodeCachingDuration(): Promise<number>
getMulticodeCachingEnabled #
▸ getMulticodeCachingEnabled(): Promise<boolean>
getRegionOfInterest #
▸ getRegionOfInterest(): Promise<number[]>
getRoiLineColorHex #
▸ getRoiLineColorHex(): Promise<string>
getRoiLineWidth #
▸ getRoiLineWidth(): Promise<number>
getRoiOverlayBackgroundColorHex #
▸ getRoiOverlayBackgroundColorHex(): Promise<string>
getThreadsLimit #
▸ getThreadsLimit(): Promise<number>
getThresholdBetweenDuplicatesScans #
▸ getThresholdBetweenDuplicatesScans(): Promise<number>
getVersion #
▸ getVersion(): Promise<string>
isAndroid #
▸ isAndroid(): boolean
isBarcodeThumbnailOnResultEnabled #
▸ isBarcodeThumbnailOnResultEnabled(): Promise<boolean>
isBarcodeTypeEnabled #
▸ isBarcodeTypeEnabled(barcodeType): Promise<boolean>
Parameters #
Name | Type |
barcodeType | BarcodeType |
isBeepOnSuccessEnabled #
▸ isBeepOnSuccessEnabled(): Promise<boolean>
isCloseSessionOnResultEnabled #
▸ isCloseSessionOnResultEnabled(): Promise<boolean>
isFlashAvailable #
▸ isFlashAvailable(): Promise<boolean>
isImageResultEnabled #
▸ isImageResultEnabled(): Promise<boolean>
isIos #
▸ isIos(): boolean
isLocationInImageResultEnabled #
▸ isLocationInImageResultEnabled(): Promise<boolean>
isLocationInPreviewEnabled #
▸ isLocationInPreviewEnabled(): Promise<boolean>
isMisshaped1DEnabled #
▸ isMisshaped1DEnabled(): Promise<boolean>
isPinchToZoomEnabled #
▸ isPinchToZoomEnabled(): Promise<boolean>
isRegionOfInterestVisible #
▸ isRegionOfInterestVisible(): Promise<boolean>
isUpcEanDeblurEnabled #
▸ isUpcEanDeblurEnabled(): Promise<boolean>
isVINRestrictionsEnabled #
▸ isVINRestrictionsEnabled(): Promise<boolean>
isVibrateOnSuccessEnabled #
▸ isVibrateOnSuccessEnabled(): Promise<boolean>
onDataReturned #
▸ onDataReturned(event): void
Parameters: #
Name | Type |
event | any |
pauseScanning #
▸ pauseScanning(): void
Temporarily suspends the barcode scanning process, pausing the camera feed without completely stopping the scanning session.
setBarcodeThumbnailOnResultEnabled #
▸ setBarcodeThumbnailOnResultEnabled(enabled): void
Parameters #
Name | Type |
enabled | boolean |
setBarcodeTypeEnabled #
▸ setBarcodeTypeEnabled(barcodeType, enabled): void
setBarcodeTypeLengthRange #
▸ setBarcodeTypeLengthRange(barcodeType, min, max): Promise<boolean>
setBarkoderResolution #
**setBarkoderResolution**(barkoderResolution): void
Sets the resolution for barcode scanning.
setBeepOnSuccessEnabled #
**setBeepOnSuccessEnabled**(enabled): void
Enables or disables the audible beep sound upon successfully decoding a barcode.
Parameters: #
Name | Type |
enabled | boolean |
setCloseSessionOnResultEnabled #
**setCloseSessionOnResultEnabled**(enabled): void
Enables or disables the automatic closing of the scanning session upon detecting a barcode result.
Parameters: #
Name | Type |
enabled | boolean |
setCode11ChecksumType #
▸ setCode11ChecksumType(code11ChecksumType): void
setCode39ChecksumType #
▸ setCode39ChecksumType(code39ChecksumType): void
setDatamatrixDpmModeEnabled #
▸ setDatamatrixDpmModeEnabled(enabled): void
setDecodingSpeed #
**setDecodingSpeed**(decodingSpeed): void
Sets the decoding speed for barcode scanning.
setDuplicatesDelayMs #
▸ setDuplicatesDelayMs(duplicatesDelayMs): void
setEnableMisshaped1DEnabled #
▸ setEnableMisshaped1DEnabled(enabled): void
setEnableVINRestrictions #
▸ setEnableVINRestrictions(enabled): void
setEncodingCharacterSet #
**setEncodingCharacterSet**(encodingCharacterSet): void
Sets the encoding character set for barcode scanning
setFlashEnabled #
▸ **setFlashEnabled**(enabled): void
Enables or disables the device's flash (torch) for illumination during barcode scanning
setFormattingType #
▸ setFormattingType(formatting): void
setImageResultEnabled #
**setImageResultEnabled**(enabled): void
Enables or disables the capturing and processing of image data when a barcode is successfully detected.
setLocationInImageResultEnabled #
**setLocationInImageResultEnabled**(enabled): void
Enables or disables the inclusion of barcode location information within the image data result
setLocationInPreviewEnabled #
**setLocationInPreviewEnabled**(enabled): void
Enables or disables the display of barcode location information on the camera preview.
setLocationLineColor #
**setLocationLineColor**(hexColor): Promise<boolean>
Sets the color of the lines used to indicate the location of detected barcodes on the camera feed.
Parameters #
Name | Type |
hexColor | String |
setLocationLineWidth #
**setLocationLineWidth**(lineWidth): void
Sets the width of the lines indicating the location of detected barcodes on the camera feed.
Parameters: #
Name | Type |
lineWidth | number |
setMaximumResultsCount #
▸ setMaximumResultsCount(maximumResultsCount
): void
Parameters: #
Name | Type |
maximumResultsCount | number |
setMsiChecksumType #
▸ setMsiChecksumType(msiChecksumType): void
setMulticodeCachingDuration #
▸ setMulticodeCachingDuration(multicodeCachingDuration): any
setMulticodeCachingEnabled #
▸ setMulticodeCachingEnabled(multicodeCachingEnabled): any
setPinchToZoomEnabled #
**setPinchToZoomEnabled**(enabled): void
Enables or disables the pinch-to-zoom feature for adjusting the zoom level during barcode scanning.
setRegionOfInterest #
**setRegionOfInterest**(left, top, width, height): Promise<boolean>
Defines the Region of Interest (ROI) on the camera preview for barcode scanning, specifying an area where the application focuses on detecting barcodes.
Parameters: #
Name | Type |
left | number |
top | number |
width | number |
height | number |
setRegionOfInterestVisible #
**setRegionOfInterestVisible**(visible): void
Sets the visibility of the Region of Interest (ROI) on the camera preview.
Parameters: #
Name | Type |
visible | boolean |
setRoiLineColor #
**setRoiLineColor**(hexColor): Promise<boolean>
Sets the color of the lines outlining the Region of Interest (ROI) for barcode scanning on the camera feed.
Parameters: #
Name | Type |
hexColor | String |
setRoiLineWidth #
**setRoiLineWidth**(lineWidth): void
Sets the width of the lines outlining the Region of Interest (ROI) for barcode scanning on the camera feed
Parameters: #
Name | Type |
lineWidth | number |
setRoiOverlayBackgroundColor #
**setRoiOverlayBackgroundColor**(hexColor): Promise<boolean>
Sets the background color of the overlay within the Region of Interest (ROI) for barcode scanning on the camera feed.
Parameters: #
Name | Type |
hexColor | String |
setThreadsLimit #
▸ setThreadsLimit(threadsLimit): Promise<boolean>
Parameters: #
Name | Type |
threadsLimit | number |
setThresholdBetweenDuplicatesScans #
▸ setThresholdBetweenDuplicatesScans(thresholdBetweenDuplicatesScans): void
Parameters: #
Name | Type |
thresholdBetweenDuplicatesScans | number |
setUpcEanDeblurEnabled #
▸ setUpcEanDeblurEnabled(enabled): void
Parameters: #
Name | Type |
enabled | boolean |
setVibrateOnSuccessEnabled #
**setVibrateOnSuccessEnabled**(enabled): void
Enables or disables the device vibration upon successfully decoding a barcode.
Parameters: #
Name | Type |
enabled | boolean |
setZoomFactor #
**setZoomFactor**(zoomFactor): void
Sets the zoom factor for the device's camera, adjusting the level of zoom during barcode scanning.
Parameters: #
Name | Type |
zoomFactor | number |
showLogMessages #
▸ showLogMessages(show): void
Parameters: #
Name | Type |
show | boolean |
startCamera #
▸ startCamera(): void
startScanning #
**startScanning**(resultsCallback): void
Initiates the barcode scanning process, allowing the application to detect and decode barcodes from the device's camera feed.
Parameters: #
Name | Type |
resultsCallback | ResultCallback |
startScanningEventEmmitter #
▸ startScanningEventEmmitter(): void
stopScanning #
**stopScanning**(): void
Halts the barcode scanning process, stopping the camera from capturing and processing barcode information