Angular Integration Example
Start a Cordova Project #
- Install Cordova: npm install -g cordova
- Create a New Cordova Project: cordova create my-cordova-app com.example.cordovaapp CordovaApp
- Navigate into the Cordova Project: cd my-cordova-ap
- Add Platforms: cordova platform add ios or cordova platform add android
- Open IDE and Start Coding: Open your chosen IDE or text editor and start building your app using web technologies.
- Build and Run: Use Cordova commands to build and run your app on different platforms. cordova build ios or cordova build android
Installation #
- Add barkoder-cordova Plugin:
cordova plugin add barkoder-cordova
Install Manually #
If you would like to install from a local folder you will need to follow these steps:
- Download the zip file from the barKoder Developer Portal repository
- Unpack the zip file
- Rename the folder to your liking (ex. barkoder-cordova)
- Move the folder to your liking but not in the project directory
- Finally:
cordova plugin add “/your-path/barkoder-cordova”
Using the plugin with Angular #
- Install Angular CLI Globally:
npm install -g @angular/cli
- In your Cordova app folder, run the following command, that will create a new Angular application:
ng new angular_app
cd angular_app
- Configure Angular build output for Cordova
Update the angular.json file in your Angular project to output the build to the www directory used by Cordova.
"projects": {
"angular_app": {
"architect": {
"build": {
"options": {
"outputPath": "../www",
- Add the cordova.js script to src/index.html:
<script src="cordova.js"></script>
- Generate a new component for the barcode scanner:
ng generate component BarcodeScanner
- In your ts file:
declare var Barkoder: any;
import { BarcodeType } from 'plugins/barkoder-cordova-plugin/www/BarkoderConfig';
@ViewChild('barkoderView') barkoderViewRef!: ElementRef;
setActiveBarcodeTypes() {
Barkoder.setBarcodeTypeEnabled(BarcodeType.code128, true);
Barkoder.setBarcodeTypeEnabled(BarcodeType.ean13, true);
setBarkoderSettings() {
Barkoder.setRegionOfInterest(5, 5, 90, 90);
async startScanning() {
const boundingRect = this.barkoderViewRef.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect() as DOMRect;
await Barkoder.initialize(
Barkoder.startScanning((barkoderResult: any) => {
console.log("Result: " + barkoderResult.textualData);
}, (err: any) => {
- In your HTML file add the barkoderView div id:
<div id="barkoderView" #barkoderView >
- In your scss file set the desired barkoderView height:
#barkoderView {
height: 400px;
- Build the Angular Application
ng build
- Test and Run Your Cordova App
cd ..
cordova build android
cordova run android